Sunday, January 2, 2011

Corner of McDowell Road & Ward Canyon Road - Clifton, AZ November 10, 2010

It was very windy but the sun shown as bright as a new copper penny. I placed, photographed and documented #62 right below a YIELD sign at the corner of 2 crossroads. The patient I was visiting was in a elevated "subdivision" in Greenlee county- very scenic and desolete. From where could stood, I could see the mauve shadings in the rock at the cooper mine. The muted colors of stone were the contoured plateaus left after all the copper and minerals were removed, processed and shipped all over the world. Thus leaving a huge man-made sculpture which will never host any living flora or fauna again.
One person, driving by in early model Ford van, saw that I was out of my vehicle exploring the area dressed in a skirt, blouse, cowboy boots and my white lab coat. He automatically assumed that my transportation was completely incapacitated. I reassured him otherwise. Just grateful that he was a friendly type and not some loner living alone in the hills because he has strong disdain for other human beings and harbors dreadful, harmful thoughts towards all others - especially conceptual artists who also happen to work in the medical field. What I won’t risk for my patients ---- and art!

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